Wednesday, May 1, 2013

        If people know you are honest, they will put their trust and faith in you.  

        Remember the Boy who Cried Wolf? The first time he yelled for help, the villagers came. When they saw he was lying, they left. The second time the boy cried wolf, the villagers came again. But as always, there was no wolf. The third time the boy cried wolf, the people believed he was lying and didn’t come. 
        The difference was, this time there really was a wolf. So if the boy had not lied the first two times, maybe they would have come and saved the sheep the boy was guarding.  
        Honesty is something that can get you very far. Your friends and family will trust you with more if they know you will tell the truth. Many people have trouble with telling the truth because it is easier to lie than face the truth. 

        Sometimes the more difficult choices are the right ones. 

“Whoever is careless with the truth in small matters cannot be trusted with important matters” –Albert Einstein.
    - Ta ta for now, FancyPants

A clique isn’t just the stereotypical group of mean girls that is portrayed in pretty much every movie or book about high school. 

Everyone generally has their own clique, a group of friends that you hang out with mostly. Even some of the nicest & most social people have a tight group of friends who they enjoy hanging out with.  Along with that, no one is asking you to be best friends with everyone. Sometimes there are people who you might not like. This being said, no one would discourage you of going up to someone outside of your own ‘clique’. 

A lot of times people will see someone alone and judge them, thinking ‘why don’t they have their own friends to hang out with?’ The next time you see someone who doesn’t have anyone else, you could invite him or her over and find out that you have so much in common with him or her. Even though the minimum of how you should treat another human is with respect, being kind to other people will get you so much farther in life.