Wednesday, February 20, 2013


Last week the g.4.T. girls discussed COURTESY - the definition, what it looks like to apply it to our daily lives, and why it's important.

Today we will be learning about INTEGRITY -
What does it mean?


/inˈtegritē/ (Noun)
1. The quality of being honest and having strong moral principles; moral uprightness
2. The state of being whole and undivided
Synonym: honesty, wholeness

Tenets of Taekwondo
  1. Courtesy (Ye Ui)
    Do not be vain or boastful in what you do.
  2. Integrity (Yom Chi)
    To possess high moral standards and be honest.
  3. Perseverance (In Nae)
    To continue even though you’re tired and keep going.
  4. Self-Control (Geuk Ki)
    To have control of your emotions and not show anger, frustration, or fear.
  5. Indomitable Spirit (Backgeol Boolgool)
    A never give up attitude under any circumstance. 
We will be doing a few different activities including INTEGRITY BINGO where are students will have to be HONEST about winning - PRIZE tickets will be handed out to our winner(s) ~ 
Stay tuned to find out more! :)

Sharing LOVE,
g.4.T. Leader/Master
"BE good. DO good. Share LOVE."

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