Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Why do we work hard? Why do we not give up? Most people would say the support of family being there when you most need them. 

Family guides us through any difficult moments and supports us when it’s our time to shine.  They teach us what’s wrong and what’s right. Family is a place to be ourselves. No outcasts, just love and good memories.

Loved ones give us everything we need, food, shelter, and love. Without family, we wouldn’t be where we are right now.  We take for granted what we have. We wouldn’t be able to pay the bills and cook food all by ourselves. We have to be taught before we can do it on our own.  Family gives you values, and helps you develop your own personality.  

 Relatives influence you to be yourself and do the right thing.  Imagine if you had different parents, who didn’t care what you did. Wouldn’t you be different, too? More rebellious, doing stuff your parents would not let you do now? 

Family creates a balance. While they aren’t perfect, they aren’t terrible either. 

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