Wednesday, May 1, 2013

        If people know you are honest, they will put their trust and faith in you.  

        Remember the Boy who Cried Wolf? The first time he yelled for help, the villagers came. When they saw he was lying, they left. The second time the boy cried wolf, the villagers came again. But as always, there was no wolf. The third time the boy cried wolf, the people believed he was lying and didn’t come. 
        The difference was, this time there really was a wolf. So if the boy had not lied the first two times, maybe they would have come and saved the sheep the boy was guarding.  
        Honesty is something that can get you very far. Your friends and family will trust you with more if they know you will tell the truth. Many people have trouble with telling the truth because it is easier to lie than face the truth. 

        Sometimes the more difficult choices are the right ones. 

“Whoever is careless with the truth in small matters cannot be trusted with important matters” –Albert Einstein.
    - Ta ta for now, FancyPants

A clique isn’t just the stereotypical group of mean girls that is portrayed in pretty much every movie or book about high school. 

Everyone generally has their own clique, a group of friends that you hang out with mostly. Even some of the nicest & most social people have a tight group of friends who they enjoy hanging out with.  Along with that, no one is asking you to be best friends with everyone. Sometimes there are people who you might not like. This being said, no one would discourage you of going up to someone outside of your own ‘clique’. 

A lot of times people will see someone alone and judge them, thinking ‘why don’t they have their own friends to hang out with?’ The next time you see someone who doesn’t have anyone else, you could invite him or her over and find out that you have so much in common with him or her. Even though the minimum of how you should treat another human is with respect, being kind to other people will get you so much farther in life. 

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Why do we work hard? Why do we not give up? Most people would say the support of family being there when you most need them. 

Family guides us through any difficult moments and supports us when it’s our time to shine.  They teach us what’s wrong and what’s right. Family is a place to be ourselves. No outcasts, just love and good memories.

Loved ones give us everything we need, food, shelter, and love. Without family, we wouldn’t be where we are right now.  We take for granted what we have. We wouldn’t be able to pay the bills and cook food all by ourselves. We have to be taught before we can do it on our own.  Family gives you values, and helps you develop your own personality.  

 Relatives influence you to be yourself and do the right thing.  Imagine if you had different parents, who didn’t care what you did. Wouldn’t you be different, too? More rebellious, doing stuff your parents would not let you do now? 

Family creates a balance. While they aren’t perfect, they aren’t terrible either. 

In general, people want to make a difference in the world. I want to make a difference. Whether it is going to Haiti to help people in need, find a cure for cancer, or help someone else achieve their dreams, everyone wants to do something amazing. 

What a lot of people don’t realize is they can make a difference everyday. Showing that one person a smile, giving a compliment to someone who needs it, or any other tiny little thing can make someone’s day. 

You don’t need to be the next Bill Gates or Steve Jobs to be important. So many people care about you and making one person’s day can make you just that much more important. <3

Hugs & Kisses,
Sunshine <3

Wednesday, February 27, 2013


What does it mean to PERSEVERE? NEVER GIVE UP?

Today we will be learning to PERSEVERE and ENDURE through some physical conditioning/training. We all have days when we want to give up or just quit, but knowing how to OVERCOME those negative feelings will be of main focus for today's lesson.

Along with physical training, we will be doing a little bit of "Role Play" putting ourselves in other people's shoes - those who are less fortunate without shelter, food, the basic necessities we are ever so blessed to enjoy on a daily basis.

Last week the girls were asked to bring in any household items for today's class - from clothing to canned goods we can donate to women in our area who are in need. No purchase is necessary - all goodies can be slightly used such as clothes we don't wear anymore but are in wearable condition, toiletries, etc.
1. Steadfastness in doing something despite difficulty or delay in achieving success.
2. Continuance in a state of grace leading finally to a state of glory.
SYNONYM: persistence 

Tenets of Taekwondo

  1. Courtesy (Ye Ui)
    Do not be vain or boastful in what you do.
  2. Integrity (Yom Chi)
    To possess high moral standards and be honest.
  3. Perseverance (In Nae)
    To continue even though you’re tired and keep going.
  4. Self-Control (Geuk Ki)
    To have control of your emotions and not show anger, frustration, or fear.
  5. Indomitable Spirit (Backgeol Boolgool)
    A never give up attitude under any circumstance. 
We are looking forward to an action packed class today!

"BE good. DO good. Share LOVE."

Sharing LOVE,

g.4.T. Master/Leader

Wednesday, February 20, 2013


Last week the g.4.T. girls discussed COURTESY - the definition, what it looks like to apply it to our daily lives, and why it's important.

Today we will be learning about INTEGRITY -
What does it mean?


/inˈtegritē/ (Noun)
1. The quality of being honest and having strong moral principles; moral uprightness
2. The state of being whole and undivided
Synonym: honesty, wholeness

Tenets of Taekwondo
  1. Courtesy (Ye Ui)
    Do not be vain or boastful in what you do.
  2. Integrity (Yom Chi)
    To possess high moral standards and be honest.
  3. Perseverance (In Nae)
    To continue even though you’re tired and keep going.
  4. Self-Control (Geuk Ki)
    To have control of your emotions and not show anger, frustration, or fear.
  5. Indomitable Spirit (Backgeol Boolgool)
    A never give up attitude under any circumstance. 
We will be doing a few different activities including INTEGRITY BINGO where are students will have to be HONEST about winning - PRIZE tickets will be handed out to our winner(s) ~ 
Stay tuned to find out more! :)

Sharing LOVE,
g.4.T. Leader/Master
"BE good. DO good. Share LOVE."

Tuesday, February 12, 2013


What does COURTESY mean?


1. The showing of politeness in one's attitude and behavior toward others.
2. A polite speech or action, especially one required by convention. 
SYNONYM: politeness

How is this relevant to training in Tae Kwon Do?
Tenets of Taekwondo
  1. Courtesy (Ye Ui - 예의)
    Do not be vain or boastful in what you do.
  2. Integrity (Yom Chi)
    To possess high moral standards and be honest.
  3. Perseverance (In Nae)
    To continue even though you’re tired and keep going.
  4. Self-Control (Geuk Ki)
    To have control of your emotions and not show anger, frustration, or fear.
  5. Indomitable Spirit (Backgeol Boolgool)
    A never give up attitude under any circumstance.
Why is it IMPORTANT?

What does BEing courteous look like?

We will be discussing this very important, yet forgotten word and learning how to implement it into our daily lives during our 2nd class on 2/13/13 Wednesday!


Sharing LOVE,
g.4.T. Leader/Master

"BE good. DO good. Share LOVE."